Love thy neighbour: Tutu Memorial Park proposed opposite Arch’s home in Milnerton

Mayor of Cape Town Geordin Hill-Lewis has kicked off  the legal process to re-name an open piece of land opposite the Tutu home in Milnerton, Cape Town, Desmond Tutu Memorial Park.

The proposed re-naming, development of a children’s play park and amphitheatre, and indigenous landscaping, was initiated by members of the Milnerton community who approached their councillor with the concept soon after the Archbishop’s passing in December 2021.

At a small ceremony on the property to announce the project this week, at which Mrs Leah Tutu was the guest of honour, Hill-Lewis said the city intended to create a vibrant and beautiful space, embedded with the Tutu’s values.

Welcoming the project, chairperson of the Archbishop Tutu Intellectual Property Trust, Dr Mamphela Ramphele, spoke of the delicious irony of a suburb, named after colonial governor Lord Milner, who believed in the superiority of the British race, opening its heart to Archbishop Tutu, who fought against racial superiority and injustice all his life.

In recognition of his lifelong work for justice and one human family, the Archbishop received significant awards and honours from governments and organisations around the world. Each of them was special, Dr Ramphele said, but to be honoured by his neighbours and local community was extra special.

“It is an authentic local tribute of love and respect for the Tutu family from the community they have been part of for nearly 30 years. The only condition the Trust imposed on the project was that it be thrifty. The Arch would not havewanted the City to incur a great expense,”  Dr Ramphele said.

She thanked the mayor and his team for accepting the Milnerton Ratepayers’ Association’s proposal, developing it, and bringing the project to life.

The proposed project is now out for public comment.